简介: Picking up after the explosive events of Season 1, this season finds the Morning Show team emerging from the wreckage of Alex (Jennifer Aniston) and Bradley’s (Reese Witherspoon) actions, to a new UBA and a world in flux, where identity is everything, and the chasm between who we present and who we really are comes into play. Along with Aniston and Witherspoon, the returning ca...
简介:随着莫戴尔中学的关闭,奥蒂斯和埃里克现在面临着新的挑战 — 迎接他们在卡文迪什第六学院的第一天。奥蒂斯担心能否成功建立新诊所,而埃里克则祈祷他们不会再次成为失败者。但对所有莫戴尔中学的学生来说,卡文迪什都是一种文化冲击 — 他们自认为进步开明,但这所新学院达到了另一个层面。这里的社区花园有每日瑜伽,有强烈的可持续发展氛围,还有一群因为…善良而受欢迎的孩子!小薇完全被这个学校以学生为主导的非竞争教学方式所折服,而杰克逊仍在努力忘记卡尔。艾梅选择了 Art A Level 课程,想要尝试一些新的东西,而亚当则在纠结主流教育是否适合他。美国这边,梅芙在著名的华莱士大学实现着她的梦想,师从异教作家托马斯·莫洛伊。奥蒂斯非常想念她,同时适应着自己不再是家中独子,也不再是校园里唯一的治疗师······
简介:延续第一部的史诗故事,柯拉(索菲亚·波多拉 Sofia Boutella 饰)与幸存的战士准备好豁出一切,与勇敢的碧草星居民并肩作战,即使村落不复往日和平,仍是对抗母星失败的人们寻得的新家园,这一切,就靠他们来守护。最终大战前夕,这群战士必须面对各自的过往,也揭露他们究竟为何而战。当叛军势力星火燎原,王国大军倾巢而出准备平息动乱,战友情谊益发坚定,英雄崭露头角,不朽传奇也于焉诞生。
简介:Part historical fiction, part conspiracy thriller, “Manhunt” will take audiences into the aftermath of the first American presidential assassination and the fight to preserve and protect the ideals that were the foundation of Lincoln’s Reconstruction plans — issues that reverberate into the present day.
简介:A contract killer who was diagnosed with a fast-moving form of dementia has an opportunity to redeem himself by saving the life of his estranged adult son.
简介:Plot details for the film are under wraps, though it’s said by writer-producer Steven Paul to involve “a new twist on the saving of the President theme.”