简介:The film describes the events leading up to, and including, the massacre of the adults of a small town in Nebraska by their children, after the adults' irresponsibility ruins the crop and the children's future.
简介:影片是《蚁人》系列的第三部作品,同时也是漫威电影宇宙第五阶段的揭幕之作。故事发生于《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》之后,“蚁人”斯科特·朗(保罗·路德 Paul Rudd 饰)和“黄蜂女”霍普·凡·戴恩(伊万杰琳·莉莉 Evangeline Lilly 饰)成了拯救世界的英雄人物,皮姆博士与久违归来的珍妮特 也享受着平静的半退休生活,然而因为意外他们和斯科特的女儿凯茜(凯瑟琳·纽 顿 Kathryn Newton 饰)一起误入量子领域,在这个充满危险的未知世界遭遇了漫威电影宇宙最强反派——征服者康(乔纳森·梅杰斯 Jonathan Majors 饰),开始了一场超越他们想象极限的冒险。
简介:Following the extraordinary story of one ordinary couple, as they fall in love and discover that the single greatest obstacle to finding happiness together might just be themselves.
简介: Tariq tries to resume his normal college life; Brayden provides Tariq an escape; Monet makes plans for the business to protect her children; Cane seeks out a new family to take the streets for himself.
简介:Bryan Cranston stars as a New Orleans judge who is forced to confront his own deepest convictions when his son is involved in a hit and run that embroils an organized crime family. As a storm of vengeance, lies and deceit threatens to engulf the entire city, Michael Desiato faces a series of increasingly impossible choices and discovers just how far an honest man will go to sav...
简介:前特工人员弗兰克·摩西斯(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)早年和同伴们金戈铁马,经历大风大浪,如今早已各自闲赋家中,过着优哉游哉的安逸生活。然而这份退休后的平静突然被打破,在圣诞前夜,一群全副武装的不速之客闯入弗兰克的家中,对其痛下杀手。原来,作为资深探员,弗兰克和他的同伴知道太多关于政府和军方的秘密,他们理所当然成为被抹杀的对象。不甘将命运交诸他人之手,弗兰克找到了乔·麦瑟森(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)、马文·博格斯(约翰•马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)和维多利娅(海伦·米伦 Helen Mirren 饰)等当年的好搭档,决心展开一场绝地大反击……
简介:美国东部,位于波士顿近郊的查尔斯城,俨然一个被法制遗忘的失乐园。城中爱尔兰裔的工薪阶层占有很大比例,区域贫困的生活条件和令人无法喘息的压力让人们铤而走险,银行抢劫案时有发生,一切都变得癫狂无望。某个早晨,美丽的银行经理人克莱尔·吉塞(丽贝卡·豪尔 Rebecca Hall 饰)遭遇一伙头戴骷髅面具的劫匪,而她更被劫持为人质。奇怪的是,克莱尔最终意外生还,似乎这个早晨的变故从未发生过一样。一天,她邂逅了高大英俊的男子道格·麦克雷(本·阿弗莱克 Ben Affleck 饰),奇妙的缘分就此展开,两人的命运也由此改变……