简介:It's the second semester of Junior year, and Gossip Girl is leaving no stone unturned in her effort to control the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite. She's learned a thing or two from her first go-round - namely what her audience wants, they shall get. It's time for her to turn the heat up on what's been simmering. Old enemies, new allies, constantly shifting sands - this s...
简介:From the Louvre to Buckingham Palace, to the gutters of Paris to the siege of La Rochelle… In a kingdom divided by religious wars and under threat of British invasion, a handful of men and women will cross swords and tie their fate to that of France.
简介:故事发生在遥远的2095年,天空中出现了神秘的金字塔,金字塔中所禁锢的,正是鹰头人身的太阳神荷若丝(Thomas M. Pollard 饰),为了延长自己的寿命和法力,荷若丝逃出了重重禁锢,决定在凡间找一对男女生育自己的后代,被冰冻的太空人尼科波尔(托马斯·克莱舒曼 Thomas Kretschmann 饰)不幸成为了他的目标,最终,荷若丝成功的附在了尼科波尔的身体里。 吉尔(Barbara Scaff 饰)拥有着能够流出蓝色泪水的特异功能,对于自己的与众不同,吉尔感到十分困惑和无奈,更糟糕的是,天赋异禀的吉尔沦为了大型医药企业的人体试验对象,这样一位可怜的女子,成为了荷若丝的目标,命运的齿轮就此开始转动。
简介: 《FOOD LORE》共8 集每集1 小时,每集讲述一个由当地食物或其文化启发的人文故事,以美食作主题触发的百般滋味,载满着乡土情怀、回忆、爱慕与感动,交织出一篇篇色香味俱全的故事。 《FOOD LORE》是HBO Asia 与新加坡资讯通信媒体发展局(Infocomm Media Development Authority;IMDA)为期两年的合作项目之一,希望藉由HBO Asia 原创大制作和当地公司及优秀人才合作,以增进新加坡媒体产业的制播能力。
简介:When terrorists plant a bomb on a commercial flight, the passengers aboard the plane must fight to keep the plane in the air and all the passengers alive: the bomb is rigged to detonate whenever the plane dips below 800 feet.